After 36 days of Strike: Jaw Prisoners Suspend Hunger Strike, their Demands will be Met by Sept. 30
On Tuesday morning, September 12, 2023, it was confirmed that some political prisoners suspended their hunger strike, after the prison administration showed flexibility towards their demands, according to human rights sources.
السلطات ترفض الإفراج المؤقّت عن عبدالجليل السنكيس للمشاركة في تشييع وعزاء ابن أخيه
رفضت السلطات الإفراج المؤقّت عن معتقل الرأي القيادي في حركة حق الدكتور عبدالجليل السنكيس للمشاركة في تشييع وعزاء ابن أخيه أحمد السنكيس
قيادات المعارضة البحرينية من السجن تدعو وفد المفوضية السامية إلى لقائها وعدم اقتصار جهوده على تحسين ظروف السجن
دعت قيادات المعارضة المعتقلة في سجن جَوْ المركزي وفد المفوضية السامية لحقوق الإنسان إلى لقائها مؤكدة أنّه يجب أنْ لا تقتصر جهود الوفد على تحسين ظروف السجن
Bahrain, US Sign Strategic Agreement: Protecting Those in Power with Complete US Hegemony
Bahrain and the United States are expected to sign a strategic economic and security agreement this week that will upgrade the U.S. security commitment to the Gulf kingdom, according to US media reports.
Prisoners' Strike Coordinating Committee Announces Suspending Hunger Strike Pending Implementation of Prison Administration's Agreements
The coordinating committee of the "We Have a Right" strike in Jaw Prison officially announced the suspension of the open-ended hunger strike until further notice, pending the implementation of the plan and the path agreed upon with the prison administration.
Amnesty Secretary-General Agnès Callamard Announced Joining Maryam Al-Khawaja in Traveling to Bahrain
Agnès Callamard posted a tweet via "X" platform announcing that "on behalf of Amnesty International 10 million supporters, around the world, I will be joining Maryam Al-Khawaja in traveling to Bahrain this week to call for the release of her father, Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja"
Bahrain Prisoners Suspend Mass Hunger Strike After 36 Days: AFP
Prisoners in Bahrain have suspended a mass hunger strike after 36 days following a pledge from the Gulf monarchy's authorities to improve conditions, activists said on Tuesday.
Hundreds of Bahrain Prisoners Suspend Hunger Strike as Crown Prince to Visit United States- AP
Hundreds of prisoners suspended their monthlong hunger strike in Bahrain, an advocacy group said Tuesday, just ahead of a visit of the island nation's crown prince to the United States.
Washington to Welcome Bahraini Official who Evades Country's Crises Instead of Resolving them
Crown Prince and Prime Minister Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa will travel to the United States next week for an official visit, leaving behind a host of deepening crises, mainly an open-ended hunger strike that more than 800 prisoners of conscience have launched over a month ago.
Employees Dismissed from "Gulf Air" Not Reinstated in Previous Jobs
Employees dismissed from Gulf Air were not reinstated in their previous jobs in the company with the same salary and privileges, but were offered to work in companies affiliated with the Gulf Air Group with new contracts in addition to retirement offers.
US and Bahrain to Sign Strategic Security and Economic Agreement this Week
The U.S. and Bahrain are expected to sign a strategic security and economic agreement this week that will upgrade the U.S. security commitment to the Gulf kingdom, the Axios website quoted sources as saying.
HRW Praises Maryam Al-Khawaja's Courage, Calls on US to Use its Leverage with Bahrain
Human Rights Watch praised the courage of Bahraini human rights activist Maryam Al-Khawaja and her perseverance after she announced last week that she will return to Bahrain to demand the release of her father, prisoner of conscience Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja, and other activists who are unjustly imprisoned in Bahrain.
Wife of Hunger Striker Political Prisoner Saeed Al-A'ali: I Felt it is Farewell Visit
The wife of political prisoner in the "Jaw" Central Prison, Saeed Al-A'ali, who is on hunger and water strike, said that after her visit to him on Saturday, September 9, 2023, she felt that it was "a farewell visit."
Bahraini Detained Opposition Leaders: We Have Evidence Proving Lack of Independence and credibility of State's HR Institutions
Bahrain's detained opposition leaders reiterated the validity of the hunger strikers' demands, expressing "concern for their wellbeing."
زوجة السجين السياسي المضرب عن الطعام والماء سعيد العالي: شعرت أنّها زيارة الوداع له
قالت زوجة السجين السياسي في سجن جَوْ المركزي المضرب عن الطعام والماء سعيد العالي إنها شعرت عقب زيارتها له يوم السبت 9 سبتمبر أيلول 2023 بأنّها زيارة الوداع له موضحة أنّه لأوّل مرة أراه على هذه الحال ضعيف وهزيل وجهه مُصْفَرٌّ ولون أطراف جسده زرقاء ولم يستطع أنْ يركّز في كلامي
Biden Administration should Pressure Crown Prince during his Visit to Washington to Help Hunger Striker Prisoners
The Washington Post newspapers demanded the Biden administration not to forget that more than 800 political prisoners remain on a month-long hunger strike over their mistreatment in the notorious Jaw Rehabilitation and Reform Center, as Bahrain's crown prince prepares to visit Washington this week.
Prime Minister Preoccupied with Ramzan Al-Nuaimi's Songs while 800 Prisoners on Hunger Strike
What is the stance of the Prime Minister of Bahrain regarding what's happening in Jaw Central Prison? Does the Prime Minister deny the deteriorating humanitarian crisis, in which more than 800 prisoners of conscience have been on hunger strike for a month?
قيادات المعارضة البحرينية من السجن: لدينا شواهد وأدلة كثيرة تبثت عدم استقلالية ومصداقية مؤسسات الدولة لحقوق الإنسان
جدّدت قيادات المعارضة البحرينية المعتقلة التأكيد على أحقّية مطالب المضربين عن الطعام وعبّرت عن القلق على سلامتهم
"واشنطن بوست" تطالب إدارة بايدن بالضغط على ولي عهد البحرين خلال زيارته واشنطن لمساعدة السجناء السياسيين المضربين عن الطعام
طالبت صحيفة واشنطن بوست إدارة الرئيس الأميركي جو بايدن بأنْ لا تنسى أكثر من 800 سجين سياسي يستمرون في إضرابهم عن الطعام لمدة شهر احتجاجاً على سوء معاملتهم في مركز سجن جَوْ للتأهيل والإصلاح السيء السمعة وذلك في وقت يستعد فيه ولي عهد البحرين سلمان بن حمد آل خليفة لزيارة واشنطن الأسبوع الحالي
Sheikh Al-Sanqour: Wise People Expected to Speak out on Prisoners and their Demands to Satisfy their Conscience
The Friday preacher of the Imam Sadiq Mosque in Diraz, Sheikh Mohammad Sanqour, said that "the wise were expected to speak out about the prisoners and their demands in a way that satisfies their conscience."