The Demise of Shale Oil Lie
The recent announcement by Italy's Eni company, signaling its withdrawal from the shale oil exploration project, marks a somber conclusion to one of the most misleading narratives in Bahrain's history.
السيد الغريفي: فصل موظّفي "طيران الخليج" ظالم مع تَعقُّد أزمة البطالة والأقسى وضع أجانب مكانهم
أكد العلامة السيد عبدالله الغريفي أنّ الصدمة كبيرة كانت ونحن نسمع ما حدث لأكثر من 30 من موظّفي طيران الخليج من أبناء هذا الوطن تم فصلهم بجرّة قلم
Al-Wefaq Criticizes Government's Loss of Millions in Public Funds, Neglect of Citizens' Welfare
Al-Wefaq leader has voiced concerns over the deteriorating state of key institutions within the country, emphasizing their continuous descent into corruption and failure. Al-Mousawi pointed out that government officials appear to remain firmly in their positions, undeterred by failure, financial loss, or corruption.
"الوفاق": الحكومة تسمح بملايين الدولارات خسائر لمؤسساتها بينما تستكثر دفع 10 بالمئة لمعيشة المواطن
قال القيادي في جمعية "الوفاق"، السيد طاهر الموسوي، إنّ "مؤسساتٍ تشكّل عصب الدولة تترنّح وتتآكل وتنتقل من فساد إلى فساد ومن فشل إلى فشل"، مشيراً إلى أنّ "الحكومة ومسؤولوها صامدون على الكراسي ولا يمكن أنْ يتزحزح مسؤول بسبب فشل أو خسارة أو فساد".
Jordanian Security Services: Suppress the People and and Leave them Unemployed
In Manama, a meeting of the Bahraini-Jordanian Joint Security Committee took place, and on the sidelines of this gathering, Interior Minister Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa held discussions with Major General Obaidullah Al-Maaytah, the Director of Jordanian Public Security.
أجندة سبتمبر 2023: افتتاح سفارة جديدة للكيان... ومئات المعتقلين يعلقون إضرابهم عن الطعام
افتتح وزير خارجية الكيان الصهيوني إيلي كوهين سبتمبر 2023 سفارة الكيان في مكان غير معلن في العاصمة المنامة، وسط تنديد شعبي واسع
After a Billion Pounds: British Government Detains Al-Wadaei, Raises Concerns Among Dissidents
For the UK, the mission to bolster the position of Bahrain's ruling monarchy has become a quasi-exclusive endeavor bearing significant strategic advantages. This includes a complete reintegration into the Gulf region, with London seemingly acting as a contractor for governance projects.
The Unfolding Decline of Bahrain's Social Insurance Organization
In a disconcerting turn of events, the Social Insurance Organization in Bahrain, one of the largest custodians of public funds, finds itself forced to liquidate its assets to meet pension obligations.
Latifa Al-Husseini: How Many More Blows Must Bahrain's Regime Cause Itself?
The recent blow dealt to the Bahrain Defense Force along the southern border was not a random incident or a fleeting tragedy. It serves as a stark reminder of the years of crisis that have plagued the Kingdom of Bahrain, largely stemming from the myopic policies pursued by its rulers.
Bahrain's Purchase of Italian FC Inter Milan Raises Concerns about Social Insurance Organization Funds
The Social Insurance Organization has been experiencing investment losses, with its profits appearing disproportionately small in comparison to its substantial assets, valued at 2.6 billion dinars in fixed and movable assets.
From Qatar to Iran to Yemen, Conciliations Signed: Bahrain Remains Excluded
"Coming out of a victory, entering into a loss" is what applies to Bahrain in all the regional conflicts it has entered. Countries are reconciliating and Bahrain is left hanging.
Who is Blamed over Death of Bahraini Soldiers in Jizan?
A few days ago, the Bahrain Defense Force mourned a number of its members after news of a drone attack targeting the headquarters of the Bahraini forces participating in the war on Yemen.
Al-Wefaq Condemns Terrorist Bombings in Pakistan
Al-Wefaq condemned the terrorist bombings that killed innocent worshippers commemorating the birth of the Prophet in Balochistan and Peshawar, Pakistan, on Friday, September 29, 2023.
Bahrain's Speaks at the UN, State of Repression Gives Lecture on Freedoms and Tolerance
In his speech to the United Nations General Assembly, the Bahraini Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdullatif Al-Zayani, lied to the world so effortlessly.
Social Insurance Organization Records BD91.6 Million Loss in Investments
The Social Insurance Organization recorded a loss in the investments of BD91.6 million in 2022, compared to net investment income of BD258 million in 2021.
الشيخ الصددي: لإفشال مخطّطات أعداء الأمّة الراقصين على الطائفيّة تمس الحاجة إلى منطق هابيل الحكيم
أكد خطيب الجمعة في جامع الإمام الصادق عليه السلام في الدراز بغرب العاصمة المنامة العلامة الشيخ علي الصددي أنّه لإفشال مخطّطات أعداء الأمّة الراقصين على الطائفيّة تمس الحاجة إلى أنْ تُعلِن كلّ طائفة من طوائف المسلمين اتّجاه بقيّة الطوائف منطق هابيل الحكيم الّذي يفيض رشداً
91.6 مليون دينار خسائر استثمارات "التأمين الاجتماعي" في 2022
سجّلت الهيئة العامة للتأمين الاجتماعي خسائر في الاستثمارات قدرها 91.6 مليون دينار بحريني في عام 2022 بالمقارنة مع صافي دخل للاستثمارات بـ258 مليون دينار بحريني في عام 2021
"الوفاق" تدين التفجيرات الإرهابية في باكستان: العقلية التكفيرية تحتاج عملاً جاداً ودقيقاً للقضاء على منابعها الفكرية والمالية
أدانت جمعية الوفاق التفجيرات الإرهابية التي أودت بحياة الأبرياء المصلين الذين يحيون ذكرى المولد النبوي الشريف في بلوشستان وبيشاور في باكستان يوم الجمعة 29 أيلول سبتمبر 2023
Government Enters "Financial Foolishness" Stage: Low Oil Prices, Higher Deficit
Bahrain Mirror: Believe it or not, the government of Bahrain has come after only nine months to request a meeting with the Speakers of the House of Representatives and the Shura Council and their members, in order to raise the debt ceiling by one billion dinars. It also announced that the country's actual deficit reached BD381 million ($1.01 billion) for the first six months of this year alone.
King of Bahrain Calls on "Ansar Allah" to Hand Over those who Targeted BDF
Bahrain's King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa called on Yemen's Ansar Allah to "hand over" those who "carried out the criminal act" that killed a Bahraini officer and soldier and wounded two Bahraini soldiers on Saudi Arabia's southern border.