Editorial: A Prophecy in the Crown Prince's Office

2019-09-27 - 9:50 p
Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): In 2004, the Bahraini Crown Prince sat with an outspoken Bahraini figure. Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa spoke of an economic project he wants to implement to reform the country, which was proposed to him by McKinsey.
That man listened to the Crown Prince, and then expressed his opinion with him sincerely. He told him "this project will make you clash with your uncle." He went on to say that the Crown Prince cannot reform anything in the country as long as these two men are present: Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa and Ahmed AteyatAllah Al Khalifa. "Do you know how you'll receive the country if these two men continue their game? You will get a cemetery, not a country".
It has been 15 years since this conversation, and here is the prophecy clear to anyone who has eyes to witness it. The archaeological hills of A'ali disappeared under the bulldozers of greed, and in their place appeared cemeteries and new hills that Bahrain became famous for- hills of debts (11.4 billion dinar), hills of martyrs and victims, hills of stolen money and lands, hills of grievances, and mountains of contempt. Bahrain has become a country bankrupt of money and ideas and the political situation has become disjointed with hills of billion-dollar arms deals- a country led by foolish officers who abuse their powers, a country where even loyalists have become angry at the government.
What has changed is that the Crown Prince himself became part of the decision-making and entered the Council of Ministers, and became a key member in the governance of this cemetery, on each brick of which stands a guard, and the battles waged between the parties running this place have become too big to be covered up.
The country is almost at the end of its 8th year since the February 14 uprising, yet the situation is getting darker, and despite the presence of tired voices calling for abandoning the 2011 notion, it becomes clearer over time that the regime is the one that hasn't put that period behind it. The regime's forces are still launching raid campaigns in certain areas and neighbourhoods across the country. Even though the regime celebrated crushing the people's uprising years ago, on 11 Muharram of every year, regime forces block all roads to the Pearl Roundabout out of fear that the youth from the central mourning gathering in Al-Daih village would head there. This is the truth.
Today, people in distress are thinking once again about rising up and revolting against all this devastation. Here is Egypt witnessing limited demonstrations after years of silence. Will those in power ever learn?
Not at all. Nothing shows that they have learned. The government returned to borrowing two billion dollars despite receiving funds from three Gulf states, and almost half of the public budget goes to the ministries of interior and defense. Complaining no longer stops the government's decisions, which is openly pumping money out of the pockets of the people. Crackdowns and trials continue to take place everyday against any objector.
Bahrain has become a cemetery whose conditions even loyalists are crying over. No one listened to that outspoken man who told the truth. Unfortunately he is now a victim of the great factory of repression.