What Do You Know about Man behind Education Ministry Responses on Annual Scholarships Massacre?

2019-08-25 - 3:43 am
Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): There's someone sitting in the shadows on the sidelines of all the debate about the scholarships distribution crisis. He is the Tunisian Kamal Al-Dheeb, one of the "orphans" of ousted Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, and an advisor of Bahrain's Education Minister, Dr. Majid Al-Nuaimi. He is the person who advises Al-Nuaimi, writes his speeches, articles and the man behind his responses and appearances and everything media-related, reaching your screen one way or another.
Many officials and ministers use advisors, don't they? Yes, but the Tunisian advisor Kamal Al-Dheeb is not the sharpest tool in the shed. For instance, one will not find a situation where a government official hires someone to write his speeches for him, yet after a while sees that this person published these exact speeches in the form of articles under his own name in a local newspaper. However, that's exactly what Kamal Al-Dheeb is doing. This prompted the "Club of Word Thieves", a famous Arabic website that records intellectual theft, to open a page in his name and designate him as one of the significant article "thieves".
The site monitored articles published in his name taken from speeches and responses previously published under the name of Education Minister Dr. Majid Al-Nuaimi as well as under names of other officials in the ministry such as the director of the Department of Public Relations and Media Dr. Nabil Al-Assoumi.
It's not a complete theft. In both cases, he is the one who writes the articles, whether being issued by the ministers and officials in the Ministry of Education or published under their names, or being published under his name again in the newspapers. But why does he do that? If he receives a salary from the ministry for his services, why should he receive another salary from local newspapers and create scandals against those who he writes for? It's a mercenary mentality, no matter how much they hide it.
But what is Kamal Al-Dheeb's relation with the scholarships crisis and the ministry's destructive sectarian agenda? The answer is so simple. When you read any response from the ministry these days by any official, you have to know that Al-Dheeb is the one who wrote it. The foolish statement of the director of scholarship department Isa Al-Kooheji, in response to Bahrainis' demands for transparency, mentioned that the ministry is being exposed to "a malicious and unjust doubting campaign that targets the results of scholarships every year." This statement was probably drafted and written by him to irritate the readers.
It is Bahrainis, a specific group of citizens, who are always dubbed as doubters, bigots and radicals, in his articles. What does that entail? The answer is simple, he wants to come and take your place, and make his children take over your children's jobs. The Tunisian Kamal Al-Dheeb holds certain types of positions if distributed to Bahraini citizens would efficiently solve the problem of unemployment. He is the media advisor of the Minister of Education, but this position is only an "afternoon snack" to him. He is also director and editor-in-chief of the Ministry of Education's magazine. He is the editor-in-chief of "Bahrain Cultural" magazine, the highest-ranking cultural magazine published by the Bahrain Authority for Culture and Heritage. He is also a columnist in al-Ayyam and Akhbar Al-Khaleej newspapers.
His son Marwan Kamal Al-Dheeb manages to secure himself a position in the Faculty of Health Sciences as "a research assistant and a nursing insructor" and a member of the Committee for the Development of the Master of Nursing Program and a member of the Quality Committee of the Faculty of Health Sciences. But what certificates does he hold? He has a master's degree in human resources management from the "Malaysian Open University" in 2015! One has to ask whether the Malaysian Open University master's degree in human resources management is recognized by the Higher Education Council, and whether it qualifies him to set up the master's program for one of the most important state universities just two years after obtaining his degree. One has to wonder about the chances of getting similar career opportunities with such qualifications.
There is an expression that summarizes the mercenary mentality the Tunisian advisor Kamal Al-Dheeb uses in dealing with Bahrain and its people, i.e. "gold digger". This expression is given to the exploitative women or even men seeking gold and money by shameful means, which may even include infidelity.
Just like the gold diggers, the Tunisian Kamal Al-Dheeb will tell you in his articles about the risks of sectarianism while working with senior ministry officials on organizing and defending sectarian policies. He will always work towards accusing the victims of sectarian politics and systematic discrimination of "sectarianism". He's looking for gold and knows that this is the way to achieve it.
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