Letter to Australian Craig Foster…Friendship is Superior to Love

2019-01-29 - 5:50 am
Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): There is no need to search in the dictionaries for the meaning of thank you, and there is no need to make DNA tests to find out who belongs to humanity, for stances simply reveal the truth of humans.
In the plight of Bahraini immigrant player Hakeem Al-Araibi, we discovered humanity more. God has sent Hakeem one of the finest and most honest people. Resisting the tears in his eyes was a witness that humanity and compassion are not dead in this world. The man almost cried after he met Hakeem in his prison cell.
Thank you noble man, Criag Foster.
We extend our thanks and all our gratitude and appreciation to you noble Australian for your compassion.
Through you, Mr. Criag, we realized the reality of your country and your people; that you're a democratic country, that you have free media, and realized how important it is to have civil society institutions independent of the executive authority, and how fortunate we are to have a person such as yourself reminding everyone of the humanity and common destiny on this planet.
Many Bahrainis are following your hard work from morning until night, reading your tweets, listening to the statements and interviews you are making, and the appeals you launch every day for Hakeem's release. They watch all of this feeling grateful hat you have dedicated yourself for this cause for weeks, so that Hakeem gets his freedom and returns to his grieving wife.
For nearly eight years, thousands like Hakeem Al-Araibi in Bahrain have lost everything; their freedom, their families, their jobs, their nationalities, their political and economic rights, falling into a deep pit of misery amid the full western political support for the regime that has ruined everything in their lives.
You have come now and have, perhaps, inadvertently revived our cause in your country. Everyone began to know at least the cruelty of what we suffer, and the harshness of what countries like the Netherlands have done when they extradited Al-Shuwaikh in October 2018, whom the authorities arrested immediately after arriving at Bahrain airport. Confirmed information published by Bahrain Mirror stressed that Al-Shuwaikh was arrested in a notorious torture headquarters and then disappeared in prison.
We hope that Hakeem Al-Araibi will come out of his suffering, victorious. You would then undoubtedly see in Hakeem's eyes and the eyes and hearts of thousands of Bahrainis the gratitude and appreciation they have for you and all Australians who have supported Al-Araibi's case.
Mr. Criag, we didn't know you weeks ago, but now we have become indebted to you, lovers and fans of everything you do with vitality and perseverance. We became friends with you before we even met you, as your friendship Mr. Criag is superior to love.