“Khalil Al Marzooq” profile: his story with the Marshal and Ateyatalla; from seeking international protection to responding to Feltman (2-2)

2013-11-04 - 7:24 p
Bahrain Mirror (Exclusive): After being hosted by Sawsan Al Sha'er for a whole episode in her show (The Last Word) on Bahrain Television, to talk about Al-Wefaq as a political party and about its electoral program before 2010 elections, Khalil Al Marzooq, Al Wefaq leader, became today under the attack of all the official media.
At the moment of the coup uprising and the entrance of the peninsula shield force to Bahrain in the mid of March 2011, most of the people got shocked. Those emergency law’s terrible moments made all activists and leaders reserve as much as possible, thus, there were political calculations and calculations of any one worried about himself and his family from what seemed very soon to come revenge.
While all the opposing figures and human rights activists commenced their work gradually in several ways and from several places, there were some who exceeded those calculations, from the beginning, and did not suspend their work under all circumstances, thus their names were always shinning. One of these shinning names was: the human rights activist Nabeel Rajab, who is still under arrest.
There was also another name, which, not only dared during the terrible moments to declare the uprising and protests continuation and that of the political stance ruling regime and the criticism of the authorities and regime figures, but also exceeded all of that to declare the legitimacy fall of the ruling authority, and demanded an international protection for the Bahrainis!
Thursday’s Massacre: Government of National Salvation
On Saturday, February 12, 2011, four days after the parliamentary historical session headed by Al
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Marzooq, a deputy delegation met the Bahraini king, including Khalil. “the seeker of political reform and political experience development” was presented in the meeting, the newspapers reported. However, Khalil and Al Wefaq found that it was really too late!
Two days after the meeting, the most important event marked Bahrain’s contemporary history; February 14th 2011 uprising, started in the Pearl Roundabout.
Once they declared the first uprising martyr, Al Wefaq suspended its membership in the parliament. Sources said that the resigned deputies asked the council to issue a statement that condemns government’s acts on 14th February.
Al Marzooq spoke at the end of the uprising’s exploder funeral, Ali Mushaima, at Jidhafs: “We do trust that these voices and raised heads would neither resort to violence nor for meeting this violation with any response.” He added, “We will not disclaim our demands in a constitutional monarchy and an elected government”, although some rejected; claiming that people’s screams are calling for “Regime Toppling”.
On Thursday, February 17, 2011 and after the bloody massacre, Al Wefaq parliamentary block totally resigned from the council.
Al Marzooq was among who reported against the Ministry of Interior’s officials regarding Thursday’s massacre. Thus, he issued a private statement mentioning that “the fundamental demand is to dismiss the whole government and establish one of national salvation from new qualified members who are able to inspire confidence among people about real reforms.” “The political system radical change demands that people be the real authorities’ source and not to restrict authority within one person, one family or entity. It also demands the regime not to exclude, eliminate or tyrannize any.”
“One of the officials leaked information about repressing the protest, we, on the other hand, said that no force in Bahrain can return these people to their homes unless officials propose a political roadmap,” Al Marzooq said in an announcement to one news agency.
“Being a strategic ally to the biggest country in the world, this country should know what’s happening on ground in Bahrain. This is not an invitation for foreign interference, but this unarmed people cannot be left without protection.”
In a brief talk to Al Jazeera channel after the first attack on Pearl Roundabout, Al Marzooq re-called for national protection.
The Parliamentary Vice President…On the Pearl’s platform
The parliamentary vice president mounts the Pearl’s platform in the first uprising days. That was the
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exact description of the scene.
The secretary general of Al Wefaq, Shaikh Ali Salman, emphasizes that Khalil’s platform mounting was a direct order from the society. “His speech was balanced, for the Roundabout radiance did not change him to be unreal. However, he reacted with people’s ambitions and feelings, yet stayed political and always bore in his mind the calculations of the region and the international dimension.”
Khalil is very brave in both dimensions, towards the regime and the popular status that demanded to topple the regime. This demand did not convince Al Marzooq, Shaikh Salman says.
Several times Al Marzooq mounted the platform. One of his speeches witnessed an important incident, when one of the crowds, who blamed him for talking about dialogue with the authority under the demand of constitutional monarchy, threw him with a water bottle. “Khalil considered this a point of view difference. This incident did not hinder him from mounting the stage again. He, moreover, did not mention it. He forgives and forgets.” Salman says.
“Al Marzooq used to move among the hot youth tents, during the Roundabout first days, where the crowd asked him difficult questions. He used to explain for them the political demands and the concept of constitutional monarchy; the most topics he talked about. He always responded in a good manner to every attack. We were together most of the times, and I watched how he tolerated the most difficult moments when he uttered an opinion opposing to that of the audience to bravely clarify Al Wefaq stance regarding the movement” the resigned deputy Ali Al Aswad, states.
Al Marzooq noticed the importance of diverse and disciplined movement, but he expected that the authority won’t easily make concessions. Nevertheless, he saw that this movement needs a lot of patience.
The Direct Negotiator
Al Marzooq was nominated as the regime direct negotiator after Al Wefaq secretary general, Shaikh Ali Salman, in negotiations that put the opposition and the Bahraini crown prince, Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa, on one table since February 16, 2011 and during the month that witnessed the central uprising in the Pearl Roundabout. The secretary general said, “I met the crown prince several times heading the opposition team, and so did Khalil, he had been received at the same level”
“Khalil believes in the revolution and the real radical reform. He is also opened to dialogue as a way to find out a solution. He sees that the revolution and all the demanding tools should continue, but they have to match each other. No one doubts that changing the uprising into achievements needs conversation and negotiation as well. Khalil is a revolutionist and a negotiator, he emphasizes on the rights and demands that have to be achieved,” Salman talks.
Since the uprising, Al Marzooq has not returned home before dawn, he used to analyze every official stance and thoroughly think about all the developments. “He was optimistic, yet anxious regarding the crown’s prince initiative.” The resigned deputy Ali Al Aswad states.
During a press conference, Khalil Al Marooq said, “It’s not a secret that Al Wefaq leaders were in a
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direct contact with the crown prince until March 13, the past, and that his highness sent a delegation too. This contact gave birth to the seven principals, but those who don’t want political solution put an end to this initiative.”
The crown prince has already issued a historical statement in March 13, 2011 saying that: “we explained that we agreed upon the subject of the dialogue principals; including: a full power parliament, a government that represents people’s will, fair districts, naturalization, monetary and administrative corruption fight, state’s properties and sectarianism treatment.”
The crown’s prince approach was brave, described Al Marzooq, who said that it reveals a real intention for reform.
The peninsula shield force entered Bahrain in March 14, 2011, which as a result entered Bahrain a new stage with announcing state of emergency on the following day. Then, the attack on the Pearl Roundabout uprising started and the repression commenced to reach opposition blocks at all levels.
The crown prince- opposition contacts stopped from that day for a long period.
Later on, in different press conferences, Al Marzooq unveiled some information about those meetings stating that, “in our first week of contact with the crown prince, important foreign diplomatists told us that Saudi forces will enter Bahrain if you don’t finish your agreement with the crown prince and halt the protest. Thus, we answered that you have to stop these forces because this will wide open the Bahraini crisis.”
In another conference, Al Marzooq emphasized that there was a positive relation with the crown’s prince initiative and declared, “the army and not the opposition canceled the crown’s prince initiative, for the later positively reacted with the initiative at that time. However, we stress that there was no real intention for reform and that the crown’s prince brave proposal for the seven-principal initiative was broke off in less than 24 hours.”
Al Marzooq underlines that whoever says the crown’s prince initiative was over and failed is totally wrong.
With Feltman in March 15: We will not give up!
According to the BICI report, article 502 “Replying to the arrival of the Gulf’s Cooperation Council Forces, the previous PM vice president and Al Wefaq member; Mr. Khalil Al Marzooq issued a statement that shows his opinion and says that using this force is considered an illegal confront to people’s demands and against the law. He also added that the foreign forces invitation is only seen as a mark that the Bahraini ruling authority has lost its legitimacy and serves as an evidence to prove that it is unable to treat the internal situation which caused it to ask for Gulf assistance.”
After the entrance of the peninsula shield force to curb the protests against the regime, Al Marzooq and his friends in the opposition entered a new phase of political work. Even in the most difficult situations in the country, he with other leaders from Al Wefaq continued their daily meetings in the society headquarter, and they slept in their homes ready for the dawn’s visitors.
Al Marzooq was a spearhead in this stage; the stage that witnessed the political parties continuation to make clear stance regarding the dreadful political and security developments through contacting with diplomatic missions and international organizations, holding press conferences and talking to media.
Contrary to the records and press conferences, Al Marzooq covered tens of briefings with television channels, news agencies and international newspapers...etc. Moreover, he used his twitter account since then, and the most important thing he demanded through a talk with Al Jazeera channel, was asking for international protection to the people.
Al Marzooq showed up too in the opposition meeting with the U.S Under-Secretary-General, Jeffrey Feltman, on March 15, 2011. This meeting resulted in an American initiative agreed upon by the opposition; it included forming a transitional government within 60 days and keeping the protestors in the Pearl Roundabout. It was proposed that this initiative be implemented under regional supervision and US monitor, however, the regime rejected this initiative amongst others and went forward to revenge and “purge” plans.
It was reported that Al Marzooq told Feltman, “We will not give up.”
Al Marzooq was among the group that access information to the BICI committee and Geneva team (concerned in universal periodic review for Bahrain’s human rights records in human rights council in Geneva). He headed number of groups and committees of specific missions aiming at revealing the opposition point of view and information to the international organization and world governments.
In the society, Khalil heads the foreign affairs committee, and thanks to his wide diplomatic relation, Shaikh Ali Salman stresses that, Al Marzooq was the main link among Al Wefaq and foreign countries’ embassies and played an important role in contacting with diplomatic missions.
He also headed Al Wefaq group that participated in the national dialogue forum called upon by the king in July 2011. He paved the street to the participating opposition’s decision that was fraught with controversy saying in a press conference, “We all know that this is neither a serious dialogue nor a fruitful one. Yet, we wanted to deliver your demands to the whole world starting inside and reaching every spot in the universe,” Al Wefaq boycotted the forum later on upon Al Marzooq’s recommendation to the secretariat.
He was the one who delivered a speech about boycotting the supplementary elections, which was a very important speech after the emergency stage.
Preparing for Political Change and State Building
During that time, Khalil kept on trying to propose some projects and plans that might help in fixing
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the status quo. Salman emphasized that he suggested a paper to the ministry of interior about the way to conserve the political assemblies and avoid security clashes “despite all the pressure we are facing, he did not stop thinking about a solution, he continued offering programs, thoughts, plans and work papers.”
He is the one who invented the idea of the consensus democracy, worked on growing it up, discussed the fears of parties supporting the regime from the political change and facing it, and he was a prominent member in the opposition who traveled to examine South Africa’s and Ireland’s experiences.
In his speeches to the crowd, Al Marzooq sheds the light on the importance of working from this moment on state building and not restricting plans and studies within the current political conflict. On contrary, he insisted that these plans and studies should work further than this conflict; starting in the electoral system form and ending in development and building projects. Shaikh Ali Salman stresses that Al Marzooq really proposed number of scenarios about the future developments.
However, Khalil always repeats that he does not want to pursue his work in the political field after the uprising. Meanwhile, Shaikh Ali Salman re-stresses during his interview with “Bahrain Mirror” that Khalil is one of the opposing characters nominated to lead the country.
Threats and Investigation
The military prosecution called Al Marzooq, Shaikh Ali Salman and others to investigate them on the last day of the emergency phase on May 31, 2011. The aim was to fabricate a case against them that stays as an open file in the authority hands to use when needed; however, the file was immediately closed. Khalil was re-called by the public prosecution after his interjection to Al Mayadeen television; however, no lawsuit was issued against him.
As most of the leaders, Khalil was subjected to many threatening accidents; some were through phone calls, text messages and others through twitter. He was also chased by a car; meanwhile, a civilian car still monitors his home, that was robbed a year ago, and monitors his movements until this day.
“We always expect his name among the first arrested people,” Shaikh Ali Salman says. “We have been looking on the Internet, from national safety days, for those who were arrested and searching for Khalil Al Marzooq’s name. International interferences prevented his arrest at that time.”
Who Wants Khalil Al Marzooq’s Head?
In his answer to the above question, Shaikh Ali Salman says: “the entire regime”. Close people to Al
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Marzooq believe that his arrest aims at debilitating Shaikh Salman.
Although his last speech in Sar country irritated the regime as it seemed, it was not the reason for his arrest, as some sees. “They gathered a lot of files against him; all the regime wings hate him.”
But Why?
When he was a deputy in the parliament in 2006, Khalil stood up to the discrimination file and asked Ahmed bin Ateyatalla Al Khalifa; the minister of cabinet affairs, more than one question. (Ateyatalla is the responsible minister for Bandar famous plot and he was dismissed from his position after 14th February 2011 uprising.)
Al Marzooq’s interjection that came after Ateyatalla’s interrogation (who was a field of controversy) was very hot disclaimed against him and mocked his acts. Al Marzooq considered the handed numbers a scandal and accused the central informatics organization (whom the minister is responsible for) for falsifying the census and disarranging it to hide the naturalization crime.
Besides heading the least session attended by Al Wefaq deputy, that witnessed great response to February 14th uprising along with its demands, Al Marzooq’s presence in the parliament got the goat of several parties in the regime and pro-regime groups.
During Bahiya Al Aradi’s funeral that was an exceptional event in the emergency stage and where ten thousands of escorting people wandered the capital, Manamah, holding the martyr’s body and screaming against the regime and king despite the horrible security circumstances, Khalil Al Marzooq delivered a speech in both Arabic and English languages.
The speech was an unusual incident in all funerals that took place at that time, for the security tension prevented such speeches except in mosques. Al Marzooq blamed the regime for killing Bahiya, the martyr, and said that people won’t take a step backward and that humiliation and servility time has ended. He also sent a letter to the foreign communities stating that “We are peace activists; we will protect you and redeem you with our blood.” In addition, he demanded them to reveal the truth about what was happening to their governments.
A year after, in the same martyr’s funeral, Al Marzooq delivered a strong speech calling a spade a spade. He, also from the capital Manamah, launched an attack against the marshal Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, the commander-in-chief, and the PM Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa, saying that if there were a juvenile justice; the above two would have been in prison. Khalil warned to change the political demands in case no political solution is ready to be implemented now.
Al Marzooq’s strong speeches, that 14th February youth consider revolutionary and fit the stage, did not stop. He described the regime in Bahrain as that of the forest where the king and the ruling family rule, and stated that Bahrain has no real political system; its system is only formal. In a press conference, he said that this revolution wants to change all the concepts; starting from the king, PM, the commander’s concepts in addition to others: to be devoted to people and not vice versa.
In addition to the interesting episode from “The Opposite Direction” TV program at Al Jazeera, in which Marzooq irritated and annoyed the Minister of State for Information Affairs; Samira Rajab by the facts and opinions he directly and strongly proposed, Al Marzooq has already talked several times about returning to Pearl Roundabout, and in one television interjection he said, “Some Bahrainis say down down to Hamad; the king must listen to his people and ask them why they are saying so.”
Khalil has been greeting 14th February youth urging them to be peaceful since July 2011. He used to say that we are all 14th February youth. It was taken for granted, even in his last speech, that he greets the coalition and stands against describing it as “terrorist”.
Khalil Al Marzooq’s Arrest
In 17th September, Al Marzooq was called for investigation, the public prosecution ordered to put
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him in custody for 30 days. It also said that its investigations proved that Al Marzooq is in contact with the “terrorist 14th February coalition”.
“We support the coalition, what’s different between us is: VIOLENCE. The coalition was established to stay and so is the case for “Tamarrod”, and the political societies that will stay until achieving their demands. However, the authority did not comprehend the meaning of 14th February title; on the contrary, it thought that it is only one or two protests or a destroyed roundabout. What happened in 14 February is a turn and people won’t accept invasion anymore,” said Al Marzooq in his last speech.
During the investigation with Al Marzooq, the investigator replayed a recording for his speech during which he said, “We want all of you to be present. Stand for peaceful framework. We encourage all the youth to follow peaceful revolutionary work. We are against violence and we don’t encourage it.” This recording was an evidence to prove him innocent and not guilty.
The investigator found no solution except saying to Khalil, “You are calling for peace in your speeches to cover terrorism!” The investigator also tried to involve Shaikh Ali and Shaikh Isa Qassim in similar accusations. Few days later, Khalil’s charge augmented to include “urging to the political system change”.
“Khalil is the most one that can unveil the regime’s political mask; proving that the regime is arresting freedom and democracy seekers. Moreover, he is the best ever to clarify this image; Nabil Rajab from the legal aspect and him from the political one,” mentioned Shaikh Ali Salman.
“The regime won’t convince any but his journalists that Khalil’s arrest is legal and as a result it would cause the regime to pay too much.” Salman adds, “Dare anyone comes near Khalil”.
“In general, Khalil is a scandal to the regime. You can tell the judges to charge him with prison, but you will never convince anyone that the trial is just.”
Who is Next?
“Bahrainis are in a big prison and is open for anyone to move from the big prison to a smaller one,” as Shaikh Salman declares, “It is all the last-fifteen-minute encounters and trials. The regime can’t defeat its people. All that was exceeded, paid and conciliated. People won’t give the tyrannical regime its legitimacy. It is all about time.”
The resigned deputy, Ali Al Aswad says explaining his point of view,” The authority will come next. It would stay in the national community’s prison, who will keep on condemning it.”
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